sábado, 15 de junio de 2013

How to wear translucent leggings.

Many of us have have bought leggings that weren't supposed to be translucent, but are... so they become a waste of money. Today I have some tips for those of you who are dealing with this problem:

Tip N°1: Use long shirts or t-shirts (pretty obvious uh?).

Tip N°2: Use black leggings under the translucent leggings. Do this only on winter unless you want to sweat until you die. 

Tip N°3: Sew a lining under the upper part of your leggings. This is probably the hardest way to fix the problem, but will work for those with sewing skills.

Tip N°4: Wear dark underwear. 

Tip N°5: Wear shorts or a skirt over them. This depends on the pattern of the leggings and on your personal style.

Hope this helps you guys! Enjoy your leggings :)

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